Monday, August 24


The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has hinted that it will in partnership with the Security Agencies in the country embark on prosecution of media houses that violate advertisement regulations.

The FDA has observed that despite the lay down rules and regulations governing marketing of drugs and other food products in the country, some media outlets persistently fail to comply with the directives.  The Authority said, unapproved drugs and food products are being advertised by some media houses defying the directives of the authority.

The Head of Communication at the FDA Mr. James Lartey who expressed worry over the influx of such unwholesome products into the country indicated that they have intensified monitoring and other market surveillance activities to identify counterfeit products and apprehend perpetrators.

“We have spoken with the security agencies and they have also indicated their readiness to help the FDA fight the issue of advertisement” he said.

This was revealed at a stakeholder forum held in Ho to help combat the proliferation of unapproved products in the country.

He called on the public to volunteer information to help flush out such products in the market. He therefore admonished media outlets to comply with the FDA regulations.

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