Friday, November 14


The Volta Regional branch of the Police Ladies’ Association (POLAS) has organized a breast screening exercise for its members in Ho as part of the week-long activities marking the silver jubilee celebration of the Association.

Over 200 police women and police wives were taken through the screening in a virtual hospital environment installed at the Volta regional police headquarters on Thursday. Some of the women with defects were asked to report to the Volta regional hospital for further examination and treatment.

Health personals from the Volta regional hospital educated the women on the disease and its associated dangers and advised that they sought early treatment whenever they detected any anomaly in their breast. The ladies were as well educated on cervical cancer; its treatments and preventions.

The president of the association and the only senior female police officer in the Volta region asp Benedicta Abboah-offie called on women in the service to give out their best in discharge of their duties. She advised the police ladies not feign on excuses as weaker vessels to shirk their responsibilities and encouraged them to be proud of their job.

‘’To be a police woman to me is a blessing. You are given the opportunity to serve the nation and so we should treat the job with respect. Even though I would say that for some time the image of the service has been badly dented, this is an opportunity for us women in the service to give out our best in making the service a force to reckon with.’’’

She was however grateful to the Volta regional hospital for the partnership and also suggested periodic repetition of the exercise.
The speaker of parliament Mr Edward Doe Ajaho was outraged at what he described as the level of unprofessionalism displayed by some journalists and the media personals in the discharge of their duties.

According to him, the situation where some journalists peddle rumours and halve truths wouldn’t help in sustaining and improving the country’s young democracy. He said the undesirable activities of some media houses and personals need to be nib in the bud.   

"I do believe in responsible speech. As the fourth estate of the realm media has a responsibility to be temperate in their reportage of political acts, omissions and speeches and events.

He said the media needs to be circumspect in giving their reportage.

“If a person or a political actor makes an irresponsible or potentially explosive statement, should the media report or publish it? Is it not the duty of the media to weigh the potential harmful effect of that statement and avoid reporting and publishing what is toxic to national health?”

He therefore called for the amendment of a media law as well charged the national media commission and the Ghana journalist association to constantly educate their members and their media personals.

He made the remarks at a ceremony held in Ho on Saturday to celebrate some hardworking and dedicated sons and daughters of the Volta region that have played enormous roles towards the development of the region. The award scheme christened ‘‘Volta heroes award’’ was not limited to only children from the region but also individuals that have contributed their quota to the development of the region.

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