Sunday, November 16


The General Secretary of the governing National Democratic Congress, Johnson Asiedu Nketia said it was economically expedient for their party to acquire an office of their own than to precariously spend on purchase pick-ups and booking hotels.

He said this to justify the National Democratic Congress’s recent acquisition of a national headquarters situated in Accra. The general secretary wondered why some people seem to have problems with his party’s initiative.

“I don’t know where this idea came from that having a party headquarters is a crime in this country, I don’t know, honestly,”

He nevertheless assured party members that so long as the NDC remains a growing concern, management would continue to provide facilities befitting its status.

“I want to confirm that: ‘Yes we have acquired a national office and we intend acquiring regional offices and then proceed to acquire constituency offices because we are a permanent organization: we are not a temporary institution, so we have come to stay and therefore it is good and prudent to acquire our own offices.’”

Circuitously responding to reactions of some major political parties in the country, Mr Asiedu Nketia questioned the appropriateness of spending a night in a hotel at extortionate fees which could have been to build a quest house that could serve future purposes.

“If people choose to spend $90,000 a night at big hotels in Kumasi that is their money: they decide what to do with it, but if it were NDC, we’ll build a guest house in Kumasi so that anytime our flag bearer goes there he’ll sleep there,”

 “If people are talking about the cost, which they have manufactured for themselves, I want to tell you that it is far cheaper to build a party office than to buy 300 pickups for one campaign.”

General mosquito as he is affectionately called spit its ‘’plasmodium’’ at the just ended Volta regional execute elections held in Ho yesterday.

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