Sunday, March 11


UK Prime Minister, David Cameron

With money you can buy a house but not a home; with money you can buy a clock but not a time; with money you can buy a book but not knowledge ,much the same way with money you can determine the living condition of the less privileged but not their culture.
Undoubtedly, upon all the rich natural and human resources that Africa can boast of, we still find ourselves being belittled by the western forces.
Of many different perils which include disease infections, poverty, war among others, colonialism is one virus which has become very difficult to be detected by our mind’s microscope. In written we say colonialism is no more but in reality it’s still destroying the immune system of the African society.
Just as an orchestra, there are different players contributing to these frightening and silent rhythms of colonialism. Some call it NEO-COLONIALISM but I call a POISONOUS WORM which seems incurable.
If we liken the battle against colonialism to a mountain which Africans are climbing in order to reach the summit, it is astonishing to see how long they have remained in the valley.
The most unfortunate part as Africans is that after western forces granting us loans they tend to control the way these funds are being used.
All apologies to my western friends!
But the last straw that hit the camel’s back is the recent issue of legalizing homosexuality coming from the British Prime Minister, David Cameron.
One thing am ever proud of is the bold step that African religious leaders took to oppose this evil act.
 Peeved by the growing malaise of sexual immorality in the country, Primate, Church of Nigeria, the Anglican Communion, Most Rev. Nicholas D. Okoh, has described the practice of homosexuality, lesbianism and gay marriage as great evils that must neither be condoned nor allowed to further exist in our society. Right Reverend Professor Emmanuel Martey, Moderator of the General Assembly of Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG) condemned activities of homosexuals in the country.

He said homosexuality spiritually affected perpetuators of the act and should not be encouraged in the society, because the act was unnatural and unacceptable in the sight of Jesus Christ.
I must commend the heads of state of African nations for condemning this act. But one thing I have for those human right activists who think homosexuality needs to be legalized is that all rights are important to be granted but not all is expedient to be granted. I maintain that man to woman relationship promotes procreation; Gayism should not be tolerated at all in any spheres of life.
This question goes to all homosexuals; would your parents have given birth to you if they were homosexuals?
To all these foreign forces, you can continue to control our standard of living but not our culture.
Although we are in a hopeless position we would go on fighting to the very last for it is better to die a brave man than to live as a coward.

1 comment:

  1. I understand your concern about homosexuality and everyone's right to speak what is on their mind. similarly, I want to share my opinion on what I think does not make your augment effective. First, the British prime minister did not say African leaders should legalize gay marriage, if you take his statement out of context, you will misundertand his statement, I am a christian and does not support gay marriage and moreover does not support neo-colonialism but I understand the reason why he would make such a comment given the oppressive nature of our so called morals and culture which is not African anyway.
    What i want Christians to understand in this gay issue is that .. We cannot win! Ghana is not s Christian nation and never will so let's look at this issue from a human rights point of view than throwing a host of diatribe to a group of people who just want to live their life! Saying that this is not a human rights issue is especially disturbing given your religious background. However I am not surprised. As Christians we are though to' hate' evil and hate is better than love... Think deep!


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