Friday, December 18

Ho Municipal Begins 2ND SPEFA Cycle

The first forum of phase two of the Social Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (SPEFA) was held in Ho Municipal Assembly with a call on citizens to increase their level of participation in the local government processes.
Since its initiation in 2014 the Social Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (SPEFA) project saw the periodic engagement of citizens at public forums to discuss matters of political importance. In collaboration with Community Development Concern; an NGO based in Ho, the Ho Municipal Assembly through town hall meetings educate citizens on the processes of good governance and how to hold leaders accountable for their works.
Speaking at the launch of the 2nd cycle of the project, Joycelyn Akorfa Ochlich
Executive Director (CDC) called on citizens to show interest in the local governance process. She said citizens’ participation in fundamental decisions, would help to overcome public distrust and cynicism and bring development.
“SPEFA enhances Transparency and Accountability. It is very essential and important to good governance and has come to Stay. Let us all embrace it and participate actively”. She said.

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