Monday, August 17


Pupils of Salo LA Basic School in Anlo can now boast of a modern classroom block as a replacement of an old dilapidated structure.
The two hundred and ninety-six thousand Ghana cedis (GHC 296000) project built by the District Assembly from a reserved fund from the Common Fund was initiated by the Paramount Chief of Anlo State, Togbi Sri III upon a petition from the community.
The children in Salo and its satellite communities until the construction of the 6-unit classroom block study in a broken mud- wall roofed with a leaking thatch which endangers their lives and that of the teachers. The Community then called on the Paramount Chief to intervene in providing a befitting classroom block for the children.
Commissioning the project the Chief Executive of keta Municipal Assembly Dr Sylvestor Tonyevah acknowledged efforts made by Togbi Sri III in improving the lives of the people.
“Before I say anything I wish to thank those whose effort has made it possible for this project to be executed especially, His Royal Majesty Togbi Sri III, the overlord of the Anlo State whose singular effort has facilitated the release of fund from the Reserve Fund of the District Assembly Common Fund to construct this school block” he said.
He added that, government is not reneging on its responsibilities to provide infrastructure and logistics for the people.

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