Saturday, February 7


The Volta Regional Minister Madam Hellen Adjoa Ntoso has called on teachers in the Region to improvise materials in their surroundings in teaching to make academic activities more interactive for the pupils.
She said although standardized learning and teaching materials are not readily available, teachers should take advantage of some useful materials in the communities which pupils could easily relate to in understanding concepts being taught in the schools.
 She said worn-out or broken down items such as computers, television sets, and furniture could be mounted in classrooms to provide that environment for pupils to interact with the materials and discover their interests.
The Minister who is an expert in Early Childhood Development stressed that the need to create an enough room for children uniquely endowed with capabilities to exploit their make-ups remains a prerequisite for harnessing their full potentials.
She partly attributed the increasing spate of unemployment in the country to society’s inability to discover the potentials of the youth which she said left some youth unfulfilled in their field of endeavor. She added that the array of untapped talents hovering on the streets could have been useful to the country’s development if they were discovered and developed in their formative years.
‘’we have many of them on the street selling dog chains because we didn’t monitor them to discover their interests when they were young’’.    She explained
She encouraged teachers to adopt a more interactive way of teaching and not the instructional methods which has become outmoded. She also cautioned parents not to restrict their wards in exhibiting their talents but rather provide them with good counselling and guidance.
Madam Hellen Adjoa Ntoso made the call during her visit to some schools in the Akatsi North District. She revealed that despite the unavailability of funds to supply schools with the standardized teaching and learning materials, teachers must be ready to make improvises to improve quality of education in the region.
‘’We can improvise since we don’t have the toys; engage them so they can discover their interest’’.

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