Thursday, March 8


Sometimes it becomes a great thought for me to understand why God has to choose Isreal as His nation to start his work on earth.Was it that they were the most righteous as at that time? Talking of Isreal reminds me of the three major religions in the world.Isrealites with the rich religious instincts fragmented into christians-followers of christ, islams-followers of mohammed, judaism-followers of moses.BUT @ the end of the day these religions have a common descendant and also a common perculiar motive thus to spread the Gospel.So if indeed various branches of the cedar tree compete for sunlight and water,should that encourage them to isolate from one another? Absolutely not! This you all agree with me will be at the detriment of the tree.After the hideous and sadistic act displaced by Hitler and his Nazi torturers we all thought the world will be a peace haven forever till the heavy bomb of religious background splashed our faces like a chameleon faeces which can't be erased completely.Ten years ago today,America's sense of security was shattered in a series of attacks that tested the will and resolve of the American public.A surreal day of death and destruction emerged as plans plummeted from crystal blue skies and pierced through the world Trade center and pentagon killing about 2,977 people.I could vividly recollect my secondary school days @ presec legon when we christians and moslems used to learn and do everything happily together not forgeting my best friend Rafak a moslem. why can't this unity be spread to all other humans? Let us mark today as a peaceful day-a day where we all must forget the past and live together as one big family of isreal.BUT to all those who were victimised on that fateful day i say may your souls rest in the bosom of the lord as you are in ur tombs.And to those who arrived from their wombs,i wish you well as you try to compensate the world with lost human resources.Finally for we those alive who have been traumatised by such an inccidence,let us find out of experience that our real world is more cruel and unjust than our dream world that while we hoped for the future,one also had to face problems of the present.No matter our religious affiliations lets realise we worship one God hence oneness in our endeavor


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