Saturday, May 9


Students of Ho Polytechnic have given a 48hr ultimatum to management of the Polytechnic to rescind their decision not to allow the institution to host the forthcoming GNUPS elections on their campus.
At an emergency General Assembly meeting held on the campus the students have described the decision by management as arbitrary hence denying them an opportunity to host the seat which is rotational among all the ten polytechnics. 

The students among other concerns called for the removal of the dean of students Mr Ben Honyenuga as a principal signatory to the SRC account and be reassigned to another department. According to the students the dean of students instead of being a liaison between the SRC and school management has on several instances usurped the powers of the SRC reducing it to an instruction taking council.
The latest they narrated was an attempt to disqualify a successfully vetted candidate on grounds that contravenes the SRC’s constitution.
The students clad in red and black attires on campus are also threatening to resort to uncompromising postures if management failed to heed to their plea.
‘’GA has resolved to that students appear in Red and Black attires to register their displeasure; enough is enough, it is time we stand up for our right now’’
Their concerns followed an earlier decision by the school’s management to turn down its right to host this year’s national seat of GNUPS on their campus after an impasse between management and GNUPS executives over the eligibility of one of the candidates in the race.    
Meanwhile when contacted the dean , he said he was waiting for the Rector of the polytechnic Prof Emmanuel Sakyi  who was out of town before commenting on the issue.

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